Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Time: 9:07 PM
Comments: 0
Hey all, do forgive me if I cant finish uploading by today. Tonight's internet has slown down due to the weather(maybe) and my upstream server seems to be acting dumb. But nevertheless, I tried to upload , if it does not complete by today 11PM-12AM, then I'll turn off the computer to sleep. Then tomorrow, I'll charge my battery and leave it on for the day since I'm going out tomorrow. File size is 312MB and its already in .zip format. Thats because the quality of the photos are sharp and I took some videos(about 50% of the space is taken up by videos) and oh yes, don't be surprised if you see 600MB+ after you uncompress the whole folder. Thats how big it is.

Or why not, we can simply, place your orders with me and I'll search for my un-used CDs and burn the copies for the people who did place an order from me. 100% free! Thats because if I don't use them now, it'd rot and decay soon since its in my drawer for such a long time.

Ok , thats all. See ya!


Established : October 2008
Updaters : Justin , Ruth , Yuting , Chloe , Benson